4/22/14, Earth Day Munchies, Fantasy News and Breaking Chains
Welcome to the pre-Baconfest show. Honestly, I've been rather distracted all week leading up to Baconfest, so you'll have to forgive us if we bacon a bit too often, which really is never often enough.
This week, we (sort of)returned to our (sort of) degenerate ways by placing another season long bet. While discussion the receivers Smith in Baltimore, I brought up Marlon Brown as a likely #2 receiver. Dave disagreed, and wagered that Steve Smith would finish with more points in a standard league than Marlon Brown by the end of the season. We're putting up a couple of expensive beers, and we shall see what happens.
After running down a few NFL topics, we discussed a few more local topics. We discussed Chicago's newest brewing resident, Lagunitas as well as the upcoming Baconfest. BACON! FEST! Baconfest! Seriously you guys, it's going to be awesome, and we'll get to drink Lagunitas there.
Finally, we discuss Breaking Chains, the latest Game of Thrones episode. We, of course, dug it mightily, as is tradition with this show. Stay tuned for my review of the show in a day or so. We also managed to hit on the season premiere of Orphan Black, which was well liked by both of us.
Make sure to join us next week, live at 9pm CST on blogtalk radio (www.blogtalkradio.com/drinkfive). You can now sign up for our newsletter on the side panel of our website. We will send you direct updates during the season including all the info you need to set your lineups. Send us your questions and we'll answer them on the podcast. Ask us on our Facebook page, follow us on twitter (@drinkfive), or send us an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also grab the podcast on iTunes.